Melbourne & Sydney
Call 1300 217 858
Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne

Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney & Melbourne - Why Choose us ?

Dr Paulo Pinho
  • Dr Pinho is a registered Australian dental surgeon
  • Dr Pinho is a member of the Australian Dental Association
  • Over 20,000 Wisdom Teeth Removed in the past 15 years
  • Impeccable Safety Record
  • Local & General Anaesthesia
  • Dental Sedation
  • No Hidden Costs

Remove Wisdom Teeth – Important to Seek Help Immediately

Many people will need to remove wisdom teeth at some point in their lives. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, come into the mouth and through the gums in the late teens or twenties. By this point the rest of the teeth are already in their places within the mouth. The wisdom teeth can be a bit large and therefore can push their way in moving other teeth. This can cause the other teeth in the mouth to become crowded and crooked. This is often a reason for having the wisdom teeth removed.

When a person decides to remove wisdom teeth they could also be doing so because of infection in the tooth or the gums. When the tooth comes through it can cause many problems including an infection in the gums that could spread to the bone if left unattended. If your tooth is infected it should be looked at immediately. If you experience any pain discomfort you will want to seek medical attention immediately. The problem may be bigger than the tooth and you should ask a dentists opinion immediately. If you let it get too far you could end up in the hospital with a major infection.

Not all dentists are equipped to remove wisdom teeth. The dentist that you see may suggest that you see a specialist who can deal with the extraction. Finding the right dentist is the key to making sure you are confident in the outcome of the experience. You should never put off having your wisdom teeth looked at because of money. There are programs available to help you with the finances. Ask the dentist you see what they have for plans that can help you pay for your dental health. You may find that it is more affordable than you thought it would be.

If you need a dentist and believe you need to remove wisdom teeth, be sure to ask as many questions as you need to. You will find that there are dentists in Melbourne that can help you through the process of a tooth extraction and will help you find a plan that will help you with the expenses. You can find a professional to answer your questions seven days a week. Choosing the right professional for you is very important to making the experience one that you can work through quickly and with as little pain as possible.

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